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Note: Other sizes and variations are available to order. Please call for more information.
LloydPans, manufacturing pizza pans, bakeware and cookware since 1986 - building Pizza Pans, Bakeware and Cookware in the USA. White's Foodservice Equipment distribute to the UK market. The LloydPans company was founded on the simple premise of providing honest products and excellent service. Commitment to Engineering for Excellence: LloydPans products are engineered for performance and built to last. Customer-based innovation: LloydPans listen to their customers and develop products according to their needs and standards. "Creating the foundation of better life through better food: Food cooked in our pans will retain the integrity of the chef's intentions. Our pans add no toxins, chemicals or other foreign substances." Beyond an extensive line of standard products, LloydPans® offer surprisingly quick customisation which is why many of the giants turn to LloydPans® for new product launch needs and cost savings measures. With years of experience designing products that provide optimum performance, we've helped countless customers with practical solutions to their baking and portion control challenges.
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